
Wireframe Marketing
June 25, 2018

Quality Over Quantity: 4 Tips for Effective Posting on Social Media

“We love social media because it exists and the intersection of humanity and technology”

It is said that numbers and data are some of the most effective sources that you can use to increase the weight of your argument. In order to emphasize the ever-growing influence of social media marketing, statistics are not hard to come by. The global social media penetration stands at 42% - that’s almost a half of the total world population. Facebook alone has 2.2 billion active users that spend an average of 2 hours every day scrolling through their news feeds.

Many people believe that the secret to keeping people attracted to your brand is to post frequently. While this is true in part, it is important to not neglect your posts and let their quality fall. The secret lies in adding content that creates some value in their lives. This is the type of content that speaks volumes in terms of converting leads into customers and increasing user interaction and experiences for your brand. Given below are a few elements that you can use to post effective content on social media.

1. Understand your audience

This is the basic but most important step in understanding what and what not to post on your social media. Every audience has different tastes and expectations from the brand that they are following. While humor and emotions are universally relevant to every segment, these elements have to be incorporated in a way that adds meaning to the lives of your consumers. Posting quotes about death and what it pertains to on a page for an old people’s home is a bad idea. Make sure your posts are relevant to your audience and align with your overall media strategy. See some of our tips in Communicate Better With Your Following

2. Invest in video content

Videos currently make up more than 70% of all content available on the World Wide Web. Facebook admits that within the next five years all of the content on its platform will be videos. This is a natural progression since video offers a unique platform that can be more effective than written or recorded media alone. Audiences typically rate video content highly and this can lead to greater engagement. Many viewers believe that video content helps them grasp most concepts much better than written content.
The human brain has the ability to process images 60,000 times faster than text and videos are one of the most appropriate forms of feeding the right images to consumers.

3. Don’t Neglect Your Blog

While video marketing is becoming huge, content blogs still remain relevant for audiences. According to experts it is the second highest investment priority in terms of allocating their respective marketing budgets. Blogging has evolved into many forms like microblogging and vlogging but it still holds it charm for certain segments of the society that will spend their time reading about a product, service or issue that they might be facing. Be sure to develop your content and respond to comments on your blog by releasing new or updated information. Google will also reward you for actively developing and expanding on older content.

4. Stay relevant

Marketing is a dynamic field that changes quite rapidly and the key to posting quality content is that you stay up to date with the latest trends in the industry. This helps you understand the most effective ways to target consumers and gives a competitive edge over others.
Social media marketing has transformed marketing immensely and continues to do so today. Staying on top of the game requires marketers to focus on quality rather than quantity. While both have to be balanced to a certain extent, a quality post would beat frequent posts anytime, anywhere!


Market To Drive Your Business Forward

Businesses live and die by sales. If you are not engaging with your current customers and actively looking for additional ones your business may be vulnerable. Developing a well oiled sales machine that works for your business is what separates small business from the companies that are driving change and progress in your industry. If you are struggling to find your next job how can you focus on developing your products and services?

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