
Wireframe Marketing
October 20, 2018

The Next Big Thing In Marketing

Although the principles of marketing have remained constant, we are witnessing massive shifts in the way we advertise. Over the last few decades, we have seen the death of print and mail, the slow and steady decline of radio and tv ads, and now banner ads. Users are now desensitized to ads; to the point where traditional advertising methods are no longer effective at getting results.

Where is Marketing Heading in 2019?

This year we have seen an explosion on Facebook and Instagram Ads. These platforms are relatively new and marketers are just starting to explore ways to monetize them. In the future, we may see a shift in the effectiveness of Social Media. Advertising dollars will begin to move from social ads to chat, messenger, and voice app utilization.

Every year, technology changes the way we interact with brands and find information. Overall, the current trends are in Artificial Intelligence, which powers chatbots, interactive voice apps, and more.

In the next few years, we will see an even further decline in the effectiveness of traditional advertising methods. In addition, we will see current effective platforms begin to become saturated. As the quality of ad drops, we will see companies shift into new advertising methods; such as chat bots and voice search.

Compare this to 2018: Biggest Challenges for Marketers in 2018

How Can I Keep My Business Relevant?

Begin to experiment with chat on social media and your website. At Reanimate Web, we can help you set up a chat application for your website. This will work with your Facebook page, allowing you to communicate with your website visitors. From there, begin to look for automation in the more repetitive tasks.

  • Are there 5 common questions that you are being asked?
  • Could you convert those questions into a frequently asked questions section on your site?

If you find that multiple people are interested in a single product or service that you offer, then you can use that to market. It may make sense to create a video showcasing that service and then create a campaign to get more attention. By moving towards a semi-automated approach, you can provide incredible value without losing the human element that will make or break your marketing and customer service going forward.

The Marketing Landscape is Constantly Changing

Also, be sure to follow key players in the industry. Feel free to subscribe to their content so that you can remain informed about changes. There are thousands of news articles and press releases about the changes in the digital landscape.

As a consumer of a variety of tech, marketing, and business news, I am exposed to many interesting trends and developments that I am excited to share with you. Just subscribe to our email list to receive updates.

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