
Wireframe Marketing
October 20, 2018

How Does Slack Help Manage Your Online Business

Slack is often used as an instant chat messenger between team members. Although the communication feature is great, slack offers multiple other purposes to help keep your business on track. Slack is a place where your team comes together to collaborate, share important information, and manage workflow with productivity tools. All of this is easy to use and is customizable through different apps such as Desktop, iPhone, and Android.

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Here's how Slack can help you to manage and track your online business:

1. Team Communication

"Slack brings all your communication together"

Team communication is what Slack was originally built for. Teamwork happens through channels that provide an easy and effective way of communication. With Slack channels, teams can send direct messages or send messages as groups. Allowing everyone to stay connected encourages business impact.

Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield shared a Twitter dialogue explaining where his inspiration for the company name started back in November 2012:

Searchable Log of All Conversation & Knowledge.

With drag-and-drop uploading, sharing files and screenshots is made easy. Copy and pasting URLs is another quick way to give access to whoever you're messaging. Communication feels effortless and Slack helps people stay connected in the workplace.

2. Content Tracker Integrations

The Content Tracker channel is where all the action happens. Slack will notify you when awesome things happen (inbound links, traffic milestones, social sharing milestones). Many services integrate with Slack to give you real-time updates. For instance, new Leads from your website can trigger a notification in the sales channel of slack. There are hundreds of applications that integrate with Slack adding additional features to help you manage your workflow and organization.

Reanimate Web suggests creating a Content Tracker channel to serve as a scoreboard to track how often our websites or content have been mentioned or when our content reaches new milestones. Personally, this is one of my favorite channels that Slack provides because I can easily view how my audience is engaging in my content. With notifications its easier to respond to new comments and stay on top of social media.

3. Built-in Integrations

Slack offers built-in integrations, with over 60 partners that small businesses use every day. Zapier is one of the few integrations that Slack provides. Zapier moves info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work. Slack also enables you to build your own integrations. These integrations make things easy for your team to stay on task and stay connected.

By having all of your online tools sync it becomes much easier to handle task management within your team.


At first glance, Slack appears to be another instant chat messager. But, as shown above, slack keeps you updated on various aspects of the business. With all these tools integrated into Slack, this enables you to prioritize all your notifications. Overall, slack is easy to use and helps keep your business on the right track.

Slack was recently valued at over $7 billion and is considering an IPO. It has to be more than just a simple chat app to get that kind of valuation. You can create a workspace for your team for free at https://slack.com/get-started.

Slack makes work more enjoyable because communication feels effortless. Although Slack is great, there are multiple other options to make work a better place as well. Read our blog How to Make Work More Enjoyable for more ideas.


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