
Wireframe Marketing
November 8, 2018

How to Get More Reviews and Business

Reviews are essential, especially for service-based businesses. Asking your customers for quality reviews not only improves your company rating but also helps potential clients to feel confident in their choice. If you were a customer, would you pick your company based off of your current reviews?

If you want to see more online reviews, follow these simple steps

1. Ask for Reviews

With customers relying on review sites to make purchasing decisions, businesses can’t afford not to care about customer reviews. The simplest way to get more customer reviews is by simply asking. Your customers understand how important reviews are to your business, as long as you provided a great service, your customers won't be annoyed if you ask for a review.

Make it easy for customers by following up after your service is performed. Leave simple to follow instructions and the link to your review pages. The best time to ask for a review is after a job is completed or after checking in with your customer about the quality of the service.

If there were any feedback issues with the service that you provided, work with your customers until they are satisfied.

2. Leave Replies to Reviews

Be sure to follow up with bad reviews and thank customers for leaving good ones. By being proactive and engaging, you will show your customers that you value their opinions and are thankful for the extra effort they put in on your behalf.

3. Ask for Referrals

"91% of customers say they'd give referalls. Only 11% of salespeople ask for refferals."

After a great review is the best time to ask for referrals. You can ask about friends or family members they have who could benefit from your services. If your customer was willing to leave a review on Google, they will most likely be willing to leave a referral as well.

Personally, I have used the suggestions of friends for services in Real Estate, HVAC, Contracting, Cleaning, Content Writing, etc. Be confident in your great services and ask them about others who could benefit.

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