
Wireframe Marketing

Learn How to Market Your Business

The Web Marketing Blog is a resource for businesses and individuals to learn about the latest trends and strategies in web marketing. Topics covered include search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and more.
May 8, 2018
Entrepreneurship is the Culture of America

  Foundation of Success Why has America been so successful? What has been the most important factor which has made this country so influential in driving change, innovation, and progress? For me, the most significant driver of this success has been an undying entrepreneurial spirit. American grit. Why has America been able to lead the world […]

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April 12, 2018
Endure Like the Tortoise BUT Run Like the Hare

The Tortoise and The Hare There once was a race between a turtle and a rabbit. The foot race would be over many miles. The rabbit was sure he would win because of his great speed. The turtle, however, was somehow confident he could beat the rabbit. The day of the race came and a […]

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April 11, 2018
Time Effectiveness

How much time do you actually spend working each day? Many entrepreneurs wear it as a badge of honor that they are burning the midnight oil working 60-80 hours each week. But how much are you actually accomplishing during those hours? One of the negative aspects of human psychology is that we often put off […]

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April 11, 2018
Keys to Effective Advertising

Learning to use your advertising dollars effectively is the difference between success and failure. To be effective in advertising consider the 4 most important aspects. Message Make sure your message is clearly communicated in your advertising and it relates to your goal. Remember that your goal may be something other than a direct sale but […]

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April 11, 2018
Micro vs Macro Conversions

There are two types of main conversions in marketing both are key to business success as the first influences the seconds. Are you worrying too much about getting the sale that you fail to do the things necessary to ensure the sale? Micro vs Macro Conversions Defined Macro conversions: Sale, Customer Foot Traffic, Sales Lead / […]

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April 11, 2018
Purpose Driven Marketing

Marketing Towards a Goal If you are a business owner you have surely faced this issue. In order to increase sales and drive revenue, you need effective advertising. It's likely you have tried many different strategies and wasted a lot of money in campaign creation and useless spend. One thing you are likely missing in […]

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March 28, 2018
Creativity is a Rich Mans Tool

There are hundreds of incredible companies in this world. Today, each company is working to innovate on new or existing products and ideas. Do you have the vision and drive to create something truly great? Creativity and vision will get you started, but how do you develop it into a successful business? “The best way to […]

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March 28, 2018
Engage or Be Forgotten

Although there is no set number of times to post daily we all know that twice a year is not the right answer. How often should you post in order to maximize interactions with your audience while not annoying? In order for your marketing to be most effective, you will want to combine the benefits […]

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March 26, 2018
Be known or Be Alone

Sell to Survive - Communicate Your Vision One of the most influential entrepreneurs in marketing and sales world is Grant Cardone. In his book "Sell or Be Sold," he outlines the importance of building your brand and following. Do people know you because of your unbelievable work ethic? If you can’t answer YES to that, you’re […]

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March 25, 2018
Utilize Your Website, Better Your Business Communication Skills

A large aspect of your business’s success is how effectively you are able to communicate with your clients and audiences. If you aren’t able to communicate effectively, there will be a loss in the number of customers and the number of sales you will have. As you focus your business's website, you'll see how it can […]

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